Qibla Compass & Kaaba Direction Map
Qibla Compass
Orientation access: Not available
Geolocation access: Not available
The accuracy of the compass depends on your mobile device, its sensors, and calibration (Learn more).
For PCs or devices without the required sensors, use the online Kaaba direction map (Qibla).
Distance from you to the Kaaba in Mecca:
... km📍
User coordinates:
Latitude: ...°, Longitude: ...°🚩
Deviation from North (N):
Kaaba coordinates:
Latitude: 21.4225°, Longitude: 39.8262°
Degrees to the Kaaba from you:
Current indicator angle:
Current Kaaba angle:
...°Kaaba on the Map
What is Qibla and the Kaaba?
Qibla is the direction in which Muslims perform their prayers (Salah). This direction points towards the sacred Kaaba, located in the city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia.
Kaaba is a cubic structure in the center of the Al-Haram Mosque, considered the holiest site in Islam, towards which Muslims face during prayer (Salah) regardless of their location.
How to Find the Direction to the Kaaba Using the Qibla Compass?
We have created a unique Qibla compass that allows you to find the direction to the Kaaba directly in your browser without the need to download and install any apps, from anywhere in the world.
When you are facing the Kaaba, the indicator turns green. This means your device is properly oriented. The acceptable deviation, where the indicator remains green, is 10 degrees. For a more accurate direction, align according to the degrees displayed in the current indicator and the deviation from the Qibla.
How to Use the Compass?
Click "Enable Compass" and allow access to the requested device sensors (if they were not enabled previously).
What Permissions Are Needed and Why?
To fully operate the compass, access to sensors such as tilt sensors, device motion, and GPS is required (you can always enable or disable them in your device and browser settings).
If the data is not enabled or the device does not have the necessary sensors, the compass will not function. A corresponding notification will be displayed on the screen.
In this case, you can always use the online Qibla map, where you can find your city or manually enter the coordinates you need.
The Qibla compass and map work in sync, and the user’s coordinates are either manually entered by you or obtained from your device.
How Does the Qibla Compass Work?
Our Qibla compass and the map on this page use precise mathematical formulas to determine the Qibla (direction to the Kaaba) and calculate the distance:
- Direction (Azimuth): Calculated using the azimuth formula on a sphere, considering the user's latitude and longitude (via GPS) relative to the Kaaba's coordinates (21.4225° N, 39.8262° E).
- Distance: Calculated using the Haversine formula, which accounts for the curvature of the Earth.
- Line on the map: Drawn using a geodesic line (Great Circle), showing the shortest path on the spherical surface.
Please note that the accuracy of determining the Qibla direction may depend on the device you are using our service on:
- On iOS devices (such as iPhones), we use high-precision magnetic field and compass sensors, allowing the most accurate determination of the direction to the Kaaba (Qibla).
- On Android and other operating systems, accuracy may vary depending on the device model and sensor quality, such as the accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer.
Devices with less accurate or poorly calibrated sensors may show less precise results. Magnetic declination, which depends on your location, can also affect the accuracy of calculations.
To improve accuracy, it is recommended to calibrate the compass if your device supports this feature. Please note that in some cases, small errors in direction may occur depending on your device’s characteristics.